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Ovaltine Jenkins posted a photo:


View over Dubrovnik towards Lokrum Island from atop the highest point of the city's ramparts. Known in the USA primarily as a Game of Thrones shooting location, Dubrovnik and the Dalmatian coast have been tourist destinations for Europeans since the late 1800s. The city was put onto UNESCO's world heritage list in 1979, and droves of tourists have driven the local population living inside the walls down from 5,000 in 1991 to 1,600 today.

I hope your hope grows and no one suffers in vain.

ChrisySpicy posted a photo:

I hope your hope grows and no one suffers in vain.

🌊 Alyn Velaryon 🌊

While Alyn was resting after training, he did not miss the lord's thoughtful expression and the wine on the table looked very striking.

1 (7) austria dragon

ibindaschmid posted a photo:

1 (7) austria dragon

I am waiting for my future, my lady...

ChrisySpicy posted a photo:

I am waiting for my future, my lady...

🌊 Alyn Velaryon 🌊

Alyn was watching the training field from the balcony and enjoying the fresh air. He had a glass of wine in his hand, took a sip from time to time, and was daydreaming and thinking about something about future. Meanwhile, he was waiting his guard Gydeon for some news. Badem of the Sea was counting the seconds for him to arrive. His imagination was so uninterrupted that he did not need to stop counting even while daydreaming.

Time flows like water, my lord uncle.

ChrisySpicy posted a photo:

Time flows like water, my lord uncle.

🌊 Alyn Velaryon 🌊

Alyn was walking along the dirt roads of Summerhall, talking with Gydeon, his guard. While laughing and explaining something, his laughter stopped when he heard a familiar voice. When he turned his head towards the sound, he saw his father. Not only his father, but also his mother and uncle were there. Even though he couldn't see them at the Banquet yesterday, seeing his family together made his face smile even more.

His words came out audibly as he was approaching them. "So the family gathers together and Alyn is not notified. Is that it?" He approached his family laughing. "..but you got caught." He said and put his hand on his father's back. He added, looking at his uncle. "Lord Celtigar, My dear uncle, I hope you are well." Then his purple hues looked his family one by one then said "My family.."

Get it Kraken

Silvie Silvera posted a photo:

Get it Kraken

...Here are my arts that reflect the real me.

ChrisySpicy posted a photo:

...Here are my arts that reflect the real me.

After settling in Summerhall, Alyn was trying to get used to the surroundings. He took parchments, ink and a feather with him for this discovery tour. He was thinking of spending her free time like this, as usual. He found a swing set in the middle of the some ruins. The view was also charming and he settled on the swing and spent hours there.

Filling out lots of papers. Meanwhile, he was sipping his wine and enjoying the view, when he ran out of wine and sent the guard next to him to bring a new bottle. While waiting for him, he lay on the swing, left the parchments next to him and the feather, and closed the ink cap on top.

Lego Dunk & Egg

jesustexasranger1979 posted a photo:

Lego Dunk & Egg

Osgrey Peasant Levy

I hope you wished not to step on my toes this morning.

ChrisySpicy posted a photo:

I hope you wished not to step on my toes this morning.

🌊 Alyn Velaryon 🌊

Even though Blade of the Sea joined Crown Banquet late, it was a nice and fun evening for him.

Continue to hone your skills, Lord Alyn.

ChrisySpicy posted a photo:

Continue to hone your skills, Lord Alyn.

🌊Alyn Velaryon🌊

Meeting of the King and the heir of the Driftmark

...not Ser, just a Lord.

ChrisySpicy posted a photo:

...not Ser, just a Lord.

🌊 Alyn Velaryon 🌊
While walking around after training, Alyn came across a girl. During their conversation about this crossroads, voice of Shaera Velaryon was heard. Mother and son left after having a short conversation with the girl they had just met.

The Game of thrones edition

Random Forum posted a photo:

The Game of thrones edition


Her arrival

AmberylEthaniel posted a photo:

Her arrival

a bit of this and a bit of that. Guapa Victoria skin
Stealthic hair

[BFTC] Battle for the Crown

gamingamanita posted a photo:

[BFTC] Battle for the Crown

Discord Invite!

The Dark Hedges

Leo in Canberra posted a photo:

The Dark Hedges

The Dark Hedges

Leo in Canberra posted a photo:

The Dark Hedges

The Dark Hedges

Leo in Canberra posted a photo:

The Dark Hedges

The Dark Hedges, County Antrim, Northern Island

Leo in Canberra posted a photo:

The Dark Hedges, County Antrim, Northern Island

The Dark Hedges

Leo in Canberra posted a photo:

The Dark Hedges

The Dark Hedges

Leo in Canberra posted a photo:

The Dark Hedges

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